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Snohomish Public Utility District Energy Auditor

As part of my Energy Management degree program, I worked as a residential energy auditor for Snohomish P.U.D. The job combined several skills. First and foremost was that of teacher. One of the more difficult challenges involved explaining the P.U.D.'s decision to invest in residential conservation as opposed to constructing peak-demand energy production facilities.
I also worked with the homeowners to identify safety and health hazards. Some examples are excessive humidity in the living area that leads to mold and fungus, blocked floor or roof vents that cause dry rot and clogged dryer lint traps that create a fire hazard. The family home is a complex web of health and energy conservation issues. I gave homeowners conceptual tools to discover those relationships for themselves.
During one of my audits, a life and death situation developed. It was reported in the Everett Herald.