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Review of Bonneville Power Administration's
Draft EIS on Residential Weatherization

I testified before the Northwest Power Planning Council about the draft E.I.S. issued by the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). The E.I.S. dealt with indoor air quality in homes retrofitted with weatherization techniques to save energy. BPA claimed radon to be a significant hazard that could not be mitigated. The same document also claimed that excessive humidity was not a significant concern.
In my testimony I disagreed with both assertions. I presented documentation of my own work in residential energy conservation and its effects on the health of the occupants and the structure.
After my testimony, the Council asked me to write a report to the Bonneville Power Administration reviewing the draft E.I.S. on their Expanded Residential Weatherization Program. BPA asked specifically for (permission to use) my written report.
You may view a page-by-page html reconstruction of the report, or you may download a MS Word version. Some recommendations I made in this report are now found in building codes in Western Washington.